A pair from Paris

Hope your holiday season is going well!  Here are a couple of shots from my recent trip to Paris!

I wandered a lot in Paris, which is exactly what I wanted to do.  I didn't feel like going into a lot of museums or anything like that.  I just wanted to walk.  So, we all walked a lot each day, exploring quiet side streets as well as busy ones.  It was blissful, to be honest.

Along the way, I snapped a lot of photos, which is not exactly a surprise I'm sure.  ;-)

These two today are just a couple of night scenes I shot as we wandered.  They were both shot with my little point and shoot Panasonic Lumix LX100 camera, which isn't crazy amazing or anything, but it really does do a great job.  And it fits in my pocket, which I love.  So I shot it a lot while in France (4000 pics or so), even going handheld in low light like in today's shots.  While they aren't super-detailed or sharp, I do like them and love having a capable little thing in my pocket.  Makes photo-walking quite easy!

Both of these are shot at 1600 ISO and pretty wide open, like f1.7 or f2.2 or similar...and both are single exposures adjusted in Luminar by Macphun.


Luminar Workflow - Strasbourg sunset


Alsatian sunset