Bull Creek sunset

Something from close to home - really close, in fact.

This is Bull Creek and it may be my favorite park area in Austin.  It's really close to where I live (about 5 minutes or so in the car) and there is some great hiking/trail running, some excellent waterfalls in the Spring, and every now and then I show up and get a gorgeous sunset!

This was from a few weeks back.  My daughter has decided that she is interested in photography (which is great), and so we got her a nice camera (Olympus OMD EM-10) and I have been taking her out at times to get in some practice.  She's having fun and so am I.

I haven't really traveled much at all this year, although that is about to change in a REALLY BIG WAY.  I will write about that soon, but we have some big plans that are about to start.  And yeah, I'm super excited!  You see, it's summer again, and if you remember, we had a big trip last summer - but this one will be bigger!  Stay tuned!

Anyways, since I have been home a lot, I have spent a lot of time shooting here in Austin, I finished my first eBook (working on the 2nd one now), and launched a channel on YouTube.  In other words, I'm doing all the stuff I never had time to do before - and it's great!  I do love to travel, but man it's hard to beat being home and getting some important things accomplished (especially things that I have been thinking about for a LONG time).

Also, I had time to "rebuild my swing", so to speak, in terms of how I process photos.  If you read my piece about the Nik Collection now being free, then you know why I felt the need to rebuild my workflow.  I have switched over completely to the Macphun Creative Kit and in particular Aurora HDR Pro (but not just for HDR work - for everything).  It's an amazing product, and thus far nearly everything on my YouTube channel is about how to use it.

I'm a big fan of the products and absolutely love using them.  If you want to check them out you can see their Creative Kit here, or read about Aurora HDR Pro here.  You can get trial downloads of the products, and if you decide to buy them use the code JIMNIX to save 10% on your order.  You can also email me with any questions.  I'm happy to try and answer them - and thanks for stopping by today!  Hope it's a great day wherever you are!


Replace a sky in Aurora HDR Pro


Twilight at the Rijksmuseum