Abiquiu, New Mexico, Travel Jim Nix Abiquiu, New Mexico, Travel Jim Nix

Exploring Plaza Blanca

Back in March, we spent some time in Abiquiu, New Mexico and one afternoon went out to explore a nearby spot known as the White Place, or Plaza Blanca.  It's famous for being the favorite local spot and frequent inspiration of famed artist Georgia O'Keeffe, and it's pretty magnificent.  Today's post is a collection of 23 photos I captured while hiking around there one afternoon.  It's almost a lunar landscape, and I think you will enjoy this.  Have a look!

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iPhone, Travel Jim Nix iPhone, Travel Jim Nix

4 weeks, 3 trips, 9000 photos

I have spent the last four weeks on the move, and in that time I fired about 9000 photos.  It's been productive, amazing, fabulous, and a little tiring.  I drove a long way, and flew even further.  I have so much to share here that I fear I am already behind!  So today's post is an iPhone summary of these 3 trips and all the fun that I had on them.  Enjoy!

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Sunrise in Abiquiu

I absolutely love to get up and shoot the sunrise, and even if it isn't that great, I always feel good getting some creative time first thing in the morning.  But on a recent trip to New Mexico, I planned to sleep in, but I guess Mother Nature had a different idea, because I woke up in time to shoot an absolutely amazing and colorful sunrise.  Here are 12 photos that will give you a good sense of just how beautiful it was!

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