Musings Jim Nix Musings Jim Nix

A mid-year update

I have been really busy with my photography and blogging this year, and am well on my way to achieving my goals (and in some cases I am way ahead!). Today's post is a summary of what all I have been doing.  It's hard to tell just by stopping by and reading the blog every once in a while, so I thought I would summarize it all.  I really did it so I could see how I was doing against my goals, but if it's interesting for you to read then great. If not, umm, sorry?   :-)

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Musings Jim Nix Musings Jim Nix

Farewell Aperture, Hello Lightroom!

Well, I finally have left Aperture behind and moved over to Lightroom.  It was a challenging process in several ways, but I am on the other side of it now and Lightroom is great!  Click on in to read about all the fun I had making the switch!  (That was a joke - it wasn't really very fun at all. But it's behind me now, YAY!)

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Musings Jim Nix Musings Jim Nix

15 Tips for Better Photos in 2015

 Today, my friends, I have a list of 15 tips that will help you take better photos in 2015.  Sound interesting?  Take a look and let me know what you think!  I wrote this as a way for me to get focused, but decided it might be helpful and was worth sharing.  Enjoy!

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Musings, Travel Jim Nix Musings, Travel Jim Nix

It's not about the postcard shot

Today I share my thoughts on how I am changing as a photographer.  I love great photos of the big things, but I am finding an equal (and sometimes greater) satisfaction from shooting the little things.  Read on to get my thoughts on this and feel free to leave your feedback in the comments section!

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HDR, Musings Jim Nix HDR, Musings Jim Nix

The changing face of HDR photography

I love HDR photography, but it's changing - a lot.  And in my opinion, that's a good thing.  There are a million ways to skin a cat, as the saying goes, and that is very true with HDR as well.  Today I ramble a bit about HDR photography and share some resources to help you on your own journey.

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