Bay Bridge colors

This is the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, CA - one of my favorite structures in the city - taken at night (I guess that part is obvious).  I posted a daytime shot of the bridge last week, and mentioned that I had an intensely colorful night shot of the bridge coming soon, so here it is.  I took this from a pier that juts out to the side of the Ferry Building - my other favorite structure in San Fran.  If you walk out towards the end of that pier you get this nice unobstructed view of the Bay Bridge.  I initially took 5 shots in order to craft an HDR, but once I started viewing the photos and getting ready to process, I decided to just take a single, long exposure (about 30 seconds) and use that instead.  I did run it through HDR Efex Pro for a little punch, and here ya go!


Rain on Congress Avenue


Church door reflections