Mountains draped in clouds

I really enjoy viewing black and white photographs, though I do not employ that technique too often.  I tend to be a big color guy, if there’s such a term, but now and then a monochrome just seems to fit the bill better.  This is one of those cases.  I was walking around at Pike Place Market in Seattle and after snapping a bunch of shots there, I walked around the back side - really more off to the right and sorta behind it - where there is a very small park which offers up a commanding view of these lovely mountains.  I snapped away.  The clouds were just spectacular. 

I’m a big fan of the Nik Software suite, which fits perfectly for me as a plug-in to Aperture, and I used HDR Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, and Color Efex Pro all on this single exposure.  It’s fun using all these great tools!

By the way, since this image has both ocean and mountains in it, is it called a landscape or a seascape??  hehe I am really not sure how to classify it.


A passage at Carmel Mission


Plaza Mayor abstract