Plaza Mayor abstract

Madrid is rich with photographic opportunities. 

I was taking pictures of signs, people, food, buildings - you name it.  Yes, I said food.  I never take food shots, but there was a killer market there so I snapped some in that place too.  At some point I will do a post just on that market - it was a happening place!  

Even with limited time there in Madrid, I still fired off 450+ photos, so there is a lot more to get to (please bear with me!).  In the interest of variety though, I will continue to mix things up here on the blog, at least most of the time!  This is a bit of an abstract shot in the sense that it is just a portion of the grand facade of the large central building in their Plaza Mayor.  It was such a massive structure, and so beautiful, that I took lots of different shots from lots of different angles - a good way to spend the day!

To give you more context of what the building looks like, please see this previous post: 

Today’s photo is a portion of the large spire on the top right of the building in the 2nd photo on the above link - does that make any sense at all, or am I just rambling here?   Anyways, thanks for stopping by!


Mountains draped in clouds


Fresh popcorn in Vail!