Sunrise in Bratislava

I really enjoyed Bratislava - it's a beautiful town and I shot like crazy when I had some free time.  It's just so historic and beautiful.  But I must say, I had the hardest time getting there.  My flights were supposed to go Austin > Chicago > Madrid > Vienna and then in Vienna get a car to Bratislava (about 45 minutes away).  The original plan had me landing around 12n in Vienna on Saturday.  

Unfortunately, I missed my connection in Madrid, so I ended up re-routed from Madrid through Rome and then to Vienna, where I landed about 6pm.  It was 7pm+ by the time I got to my hotel in Bratislava, and I had been awake at that point for nearly 30 hours (I can never seem to sleep on planes).  I was wiped out.  I had a short stroll through Old Town, ate dinner, and promptly crashed, hoping to sleep for 12 hours straight.  Around 5:30am I woke up with the morning sunlight streaming through my curtains - it was bright and sunny and the new day was here!  I looked out my window, saw this incredible scene, and took a picture.  Then I went back to bed and slept til noon.  I was so bleary-eyed at 5:30am that I am lucky this one was even in focus!


iPhone fun in Bratislava


Blue hour over Bratislava