iPhone fun in Bratislava

Well, as you can plainly see, I am on a bit of a Bratislava kick right now, having recently returned from that wonderful town. I have plenty more shots to share, but have to find some time to process them all! I thought today I would share a few iPhone shots I took while wandering in various parts of Bratislava's Old Town...enjoy!

From inside the walls of Bratislava Castle...

St. Martin's Cathedral in Old Town...

One of the massive passenger ships on the Danube...

Crazy graffiti...

Some cafe that I just liked the look of...

St. Michael's Gate in Old Town...

Town Square...

Just an interesting street scene...

A church that threw me out...geez, I just wanted to take a picture!!

Some urban ruins...

Well that's it - a quick tour but I covered a lot of ground! Thanks for stopping by!


Nyhavn afternoon


Sunrise in Bratislava