This is the Church of Immaculate Conception in Dublin, Ireland – more commonly known as Adam and Eve’s Church.  It sits right alongside the River Liffey and the outside is something I passed many times before making the decision to step inside for a look (and a photo or two, of course).  It’s not very ornate and it is tucked in alongside other buildings, so it doesn’t really jump out at you, you know?

On my last trip there (and since I have previously shot many of their other churches) I decided I would check this place out, and I am glad I did.  It was less than 5 minutes from my hotel and since I was faced with a little rain in the air, it was the perfect place to escape that.

Upon entry, I was met by beautiful organ music emanating from somewhere in there.  I looked and could tell there was not a service occurring, so I wandered to the back of the main aisle and made myself at home, setting up the tripod and getting ready for some shots.  Since I saw no one, I figured no one would mind me taking a few shots.

I just timed my brackets to fire during louder parts of the organ music, and it never made enough noise to attract anyone to “greet” me, as often happens in churches.  So, I fired away, enjoyed the music, and escaped the rain for a little while.  Not a bad way to spend a few minutes! 


Parisian architecture


Chateau de Cheverny