Sunset over Lake Austin

Ok, I keep writing about sunrise, but sunset is pretty nice too, huh?

I have a thing for sunrise, since it usually results in me getting shots without a bunch of distracting elements in wayward humans.  I hate when someone walks into my shot.  I know it's digital and I can redo it easily, but have some consideration dude before you go blundering in front of someone with a camera.  /end rant\

Anyways...after that little commercial break, how about a stunning sunset photo from my favorite spot in Austin?  You want one?  Ok, here you go:

I do love me some sunset, just like everyone else.  I especially love it when it looks like this.  When the skies are flat and boring, well...I lose interest, unless I am somewhere really kick ass, like wandering some street in a foreign city.  Then I am ok with bad light, because at least I am experiencing something new.  But to be clear, I always prefer awesome light.

This was taken from the Loop 360 overlook here in Austin, just a few minutes drive from my house.  I love it when you only have to travel a couple of miles, and you get a great view AND a stunning sunset at the same time.  Now that's a great combo!


Dining in Amboise


Sunrise at Trinity College