Sunrise at Trinity College

Sometimes you get up early and Mother Nature rewards you!

I say here often that sunrise is one of the best times to shoot, and I really think that.  Yes it's hard to get up but I find that it is nearly always worth it.  Sure, some mornings just turn out crappy but usually I end up with plenty of keepers.

The thing is that it is impossible to predict. You never know what you might get.  With sunset, you have the benefit of checking out the weather report, looking outside at the sky and then making a decision.  Plus let's face it - you're already awake.

But with sunrise, it's a total gamble.  

When I travel to Europe, I prefer sunrise though since I can wander the streets of whatever town I am in without all the tourists in the way.  I just prefer my shots that way, plus I actually enjoy being able to walk around by myself, undisturbed, while doing some creative work.  It's fun.

This image was taken on the campus of Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland one beautiful morning.  See?  Sometimes you do get rewarded.

And here's a "behind the keyboard" showing the HDR before I added filters in Color Efex Pro (left side) and the image after the filters were applied (right side).  I hope you don't mind these little Before/After comparisons because I sure enjoy sharing them.


Sunset over Lake Austin


iPhone fun in Bayeux, France