The skyline of Manhattan

New York City is a pretty fun place to photograph!

If you follow me on social media, over the last couple of weeks you probably saw a few iPhone shots from NYC.  I was there a couple of weeks back, and shot quite a bit while there.  It was awesome.  I hope to return.

The last time I was there was something like 5 years ago, and although I brought my camera and snapped a few, they weren't very good, and frankly I didn't know where to go.  I just sort of wandered aimlessly and shot at this and that.  There was no plan.

This time, I was much better organized, and frankly my camera skills are a lot better!  Whenever I am heading somewhere, I compile a list of spots that I want to shoot, and at times even print out a map to plot my route, so as to maximize my time there.  There's nothing worse than shooting something and walking 10 blocks, only to realize you ALSO wanted to shoot something that is 10 blocks behind you.  That sucks. 

One of my main targets on this trip was to get some shots of the Manhattan skyline, which is obviously rather impressive.  I have seen a lot of shots over the years from a lot of locations, but my favorite has been the one above, which is lower Manhattan shot from Brooklyn.  I love the look of those old pier pilings fading into the distance, with that impressive skyline rising behind it.

On this evening, I shot with my friend Mark Garbowski, who lives in NYC and has been a social media friend for years.  It was great to finally meet up in person (which is something I recommend doing when you travel) and hang out with a like-minded photographer.  Check out his work, well worth it!

And while we didn't get an amazing sunset, we did enjoy an amazing view, and it was a great night of photography.  More to come from NYC over the coming weeks - just need to get some processing time!

And for those who are curious, these are both 3 exposure HDRs, shot with my lovely (and light!) Olympus OM-D EM-1.  I have a review of the camera that I am writing, and hope to share it soon!


The changing face of HDR photography


Sunrise in Austin