Central Park colors

Wow, I found some fabulous color in New York!

On my recent trip to New York, I knew I would spend some time in Central Park at least once.  It's not just a big beautiful park, but it's a great way to escape the city without leaving.  You literally feel like you are somewhere else, which can come in handy when you spend a full week there.

But I didn't go to Central Park just to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, or the noise (though you can escape both there).  I went there looking for Fall color, and I found it.

You see, living in central Texas has a lot of advantages, but watching the leaves change with the seasons isn't really one of them.  Sure, we have some nice trees in some spots that will change, and some nice State Parks not too far away that might do so as well, but it isn't a "thing" here.

So I made a couple of visits to Central Park in search of color, and simply put, I didn't have to look too hard.  This was late October and while I think the peak color was a couple of weeks later, it still worked out very well.

You can see my first post on this subject here.

So I wandered and shot and then wandered and shot some more.  It was pretty excellent, actually.  And according to the step counter app on my iPhone, I covered about 20 miles over the weekend on foot!  That's crazy!  My feet were tired and sore but I had no idea at the time that I was walking so much.  So there you have it - proof that photography is good for you!  Go take some shots and live a healthy life!  :-)


Catching a train in Copenhagen


Firing away in downtown Austin