The painted church of Serbin

Believe it or not, there are a BUNCH of these painted churches in Texas.  Now I have to find the time to hunt them down and photograph them all.  Add them to the list (which only seems to keep growing!).

These painted churches date from the 1800's and are scattered across parts of Central Texas.  This one was built by German immigrants that came here in search of religious freedom and cheaper land.  Thus far I have been to two of them (this one and one in Fredericksburg, TX) but there are several more "on the list".  

While these aren't your typical big European cathedrals - which I absolutely LOVE (yes, that's an ALL CAPS kind of love) - something about the intricate design and look to them is quite beautiful and photogenic.  I'll update you as I get to photograph more of them.  :-)

And yes, that's the pulpit up on the 2nd floor, looking down on the congregation.  Cool, right?


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No two zebras are alike